Sunday, April 14, 2013

Prayer Request #3

I think it is high time to update my prayer request.  As most of you know, I have food allergies.  There are many of them, too many.  However, I am blessed to reside in Fairfax County where accomodating a vast array of food allergies is not only possible, but not too terribly unpleasent.  Here at Camp Eggers, however, the story is quite the opposite.  I would starve if I kept to my diet.  And while that does not threaten my life, it does make me uncomforable.  So, I get a stomach ache after most meals.  Breakfast seems to be fine, but lunch and dinner are almost always upsetting.  Then my joints, mainly my hips and lower spine, hurt me off and on.  Nothing terrible - I can walk - but it does wake me up at night.

Now, I have certainly been enjoying eating from the variety of foods usually forbidden me!  It all tastes so good!  And if you don't like the main courses, there are plenty of other options.  But, we are drawing the forces in Afghanistan down.  That means services, like food personnel, start to go away.  Don't worry, no one is going to starve.  We are not going to forge in the wilderness for bugs, berries, dandilions, or road kill.  But, the food choices are going to be limited.  We saw the reality of that when we discovered that grilled pizza will no longer be served, as was the Sunday tradition.  But that is mearly an inconvenience - and I have plenty of experience with limited choices.  Besides, I will still be no more limited than anyone else around me!

So, my prayer request, in a nutshell, is to be healed!  I would love to never have these problems again and eat and digest like a "normal" person.  In the meantime, I would really like to have no more stomach or joint pain.  And if the Lord chooses for that to continue, I would like to continue to have joy in spite of it and be able to function well enough to serve the people around me, be a blessing, and accomplish the work He plans for me to do.

Thank you all for your prayers!

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