Monday, June 3, 2013


Oh, I have a blog!  I should post something!

There has been so much going on here at Camp Eggers that I have forgotten to post anything.  Terribly sorry!  I shall have to resort to bullet points to catch you up.

*  Friends: I have so many friends here!  Truly, I think I must be the most popular person on Camp Eggers.  When I walk down Gator Alley (our main road) so many people say hello.  I can walk fast and look at the ground and still people greet me.  30% (no, I did not calculate that for real, it is an estimate!) of the time I smile and say hello back and then continue on my way wondering who in the world was that and why do they know my name!  The laundry people know my laundry bag number and they pull my bag out when they see me walking up.   Sunday night after church I was crying over the recent death of my aunt and half a dozen people prayed for me, hugged me, tried to cheer me up, and one dear friend spent 2 hours hanging out to comfort and encourage me.  I am so grateful for friends! 

*  Biblical Fellowhip:  There are two guys in this category: Kyle and Matt.  They are the Chaplains Assistants and I help them with service set up.  That expanded into movie nights and late night conversations.  I so respect these two men.  They are passionate lovers of God who are quick to jump to biblical fellowship.  I have learned so much from them.  I have never felt so strongly the bond between Christians.  They are truly beloved brothers in the Lord!

*  Church: This part really should have been updated a long time ago.  I was talked into going back to the Contemporary Protestant service to hear Chaplain Oliver preach.  My friend promised that I would not regret it, that this guy is a great preacher and they guys I heard the first time I went there is not the usual preacher.  So, I gave it another try.  Wow, he was so right!  I felt like I was back at home.  Chaplain Oliver's style is more interactive, but the doctrine is just like Sovereign Grace Church and I am familiar with all the people he quotes.  How did I go all the way to Afghanistan to feel like I never left?  It's so good that I am attending his Bible study and going to him for counseling.  I am constantly refreshed and encouraged by Chaplain Oliver and thank God for him regularly.  God is kind beyond what I had imagined and I cannot even express how thankful I am!

*  Work:  I am enjoying my job.  My replacement started emailing me and I told him that I do not want him to come.  Not that my desires change anything, but I had to say it.  It was encouraging to him, anyway, since it is a sign that the job is pretty good!  I have a variety of projects which keep me busy and engaged.

*  Food:  I love and hate food at the same time.  It tastes so good and it is so fun to have choices and variety.  But everything hurts.  I am really tired of stomach aches.  But I must say that I am still glad that they are not stopping me from functioning here and having an adventure!  Maybe one day I will be healed, but in the meantime, I'll just depend on God for daily grace.  That is what I ought to be doing anyway!

*  Sleep:  I do try to do that.  But I keep waking up too early.  And then there are the new MPs on my floor who go to work at midnight and seem incapable of talking in a wisper, walking quietly, and not slamming doors.  Silly girls.  I have woken up a few times thinking there is an emergency only to discover that it is just the MPs going to work.  But the biggest impediment to sleep is my dabbling in doing Insanity workouts at 4:20am.  I know, it's silly.  But, it is also a challenge.  If only I could get my stomach to stop being naseous when I do it!  I'll experiment and try to be humble enough to give up if it is too much for me!