Saturday, March 30, 2013

Back by Popular Demand!

Yes, it has been too long since my last post.  I am terribly sorry!  It is not for lack of material.  I have been busy making friends, working, and learning Jiujitsu...  Mosly, I am having trouble getting my thoughts together at the end of a long day.  So, as I am determined to post something tonight, I think you will have to bear with bullet points.  I can't seem to string my thoughts together in any coherant manner.  So, here goes!
*  Above you can see the view from my door step.  Kabul is in the mountains (still not quite used to the elevation).  On this slope, you can see buildings up the side and a large hotel or something at the bottom.  It reminds me of Disney kingdoms with steep slopes that are highly populated.  Only this kingdom is rather run down.
*  I am starting to come to an understanding about my job.  I am picking up tasks and learning who I need to know and support.  It is quite exciting to be a little part of this big operation!  My officemate keeps telling that it is only a matter of time before I become jaded and broken like he claims to be.  But, I contest that the best is yet to come.  All of this will fade away and be discarded like a garment.  Every day, no matter how difficult, takes us one day closer to Heaven.  So, I shall fight the jadedness.  It can't get me!!! :)
*  Jiujitsu is going well.  I must say it is weird rolling around on the floor trying to pin someone or choke them.  At one point, a guy was on top of me and I was struggling.  He finally asked me what I was trying to do.  I responded that I was trying to push him off of me.  He laughed and informed me that since he weighs 180lbs, that was not going to happen.  Then he kindly told me where to place my knees and hands to use technique rather than muscle to get him off.  Everyone there is just as kind and patient.  They consider themselves a family and just have fun together.
*  I got to visit some Afghan sites.  That was pretty exciting!  We went to the recruiting center and one of the training sites.  We got to see real Afghan people and hear about the process of getting guys into the Army.  I was surprised to see that there is almost as much variety in physical features among the Afghans as there is among citizens of the US.  Some Afghans look very European, others Asian, and others Middle Eastern.  This comes from people outside of the country drawing country boundary lines where ethnicity would not otherwise draw them - the primary culperates being England and Russia.  Those Europeans...  But on a higher note, we got to eat real Afghan food.  We had chicken, lamb, yogurt, lettuce, cucumbers, lemons, tomatoes, apples, oranges, bananas, rice, chickpea soup, chicken soup, and flat bread.  I did not eat the vegetables or yogurt, because it would likely throw my GI system for a loop.  One other point of interest, in case anyone was wondering, it smells pretty bad there.  Just like hundreds of guys who need a shower.  Yuch.
*  Tomorrow is Easter.  I may be in a Muslim country, but the truth is that Jesus rose from the dead.  Even here, he is still the only Son of God who conquered sin and death through his death on the cross.  So, I shall celebrate his resurrection tomorrow with the saints, with whom I will spend eternity.  And I shall pray for all the Muslims who will still pray 5 times tomorrow to allah.  The only hope for this country is the gospel, because that is the only power for salvation for the whole world.  Governments, economies, and defense forces are feable and powerless saviors.  So, will you join me in praying for the gospel to spread through the country more pervasivley than the insurgents?
*  It is bedtime.  I am tired from getting up too early this morning.  So, now to sleep.  Good night all!

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